These are other fun links to helpful sites for Boxer families, we do not take responsibility for any content within these sites. We are thankful to have wonderful business donations! If you would like to know more about donating & having your website added please contact Thanks!
We are part of 1-800-Save-A-Pet you can view our boxers and their information by clicking the link above.
A fun group of boxers & their owners that meet once a month in the Los Angeles area. An average of about 15 boxers show up at the play date! Hope to see you there!
Thank you Teresa & Russ at Mojeska for being so gracious offering your ranch as a place to foster many of our friendly Boxers!!!
Become part of our family! We would love to hear your stories and see your Boxer pictures! Please join us online and share the fun with everyone.
Occassionally we can be seen on this great TV program called Pet Place TV!! Keep your Eye Out!!
A friendly informative Boxer Forum for everyone!
A special Thank You to Boxer Talk for donations and supporting adoptions through our rescue!!!
A friendly local yahoo group for boxer owners to make play dates, ask questions and meet other Boxers.
Add yourself to a Frapper map of Boxer Owners or see the boxers in your area!
Join our Myspace FriendsList