Rocky V-I was seen on "King of Queens" The Shelter Episode (2005)
Ceasar milan has a Boxer in his pack (2006)
"Chronicals of Narnia" Boxer character named Tash
Shirley McClaine (actress) owner of Ceasar
Sylvester Stallone (actor) owner of Ganster
Alan Langer (Australian Rugby PLayer) owner of Clyde & Bonney
Deedee Pfiefer (Actress) owner of Orphin
Max Walker (writter) owner of Paddy
"Homeward Bound 2- Lost in SF" Boxer Actor
"Good Boy" (2003) Boxer Actor named Wilson
"Dog Park" Boxer Actor
"Just Write" Boxer Actor
Jody Foster (actress)
Brad Anderson Cartoonist)
Gene Autry (Actor/singer)
Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger (Actor/Actress)
Sallie Bissel (Author)
Humphrey Bogart and Lauren bacall ( Actor/Actress)
Taryn Bolton (Micheal Bolton's Daughter)
Elayne Boosler (Comedian)
Victor Borge (Entertainer)
George Clooney (Actor)
Nat King Cole (Singer)
Gary Cooper (Actor)
Stanley Coren (Author)
Bing Crosby (Actor/singer)
Joe DiMaggio (Yankees Hall of Famer)
Clark Gable (Actor)
Bobby Hamilton (NASCAR Driver)
Kevin Harvick (NASCAR Driver)
Charlton Heston (Actor)
Billie Holiday (Jazz and Blues singer)
Rock Hudson (Actor)
Janet Jackson (Singer)
Danny Kaye (Actor)
Alan Ladd (Actor)
Lauren Lane (Actress)
Luke Perry (Actor)
Elvis Presley (Singer)
Robin Williams (Actor )
Sinbad (comedian)
Al Pacino (actor)
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